Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Clive Ferret-Canape, Julien Duribreux, Maria Gomez Lacruz, Christophe Ribeiro, Romain Rouvoy, Antoine Veuiller.

In 2015, APISENSE® has been extended to include the support for iOS smartphones and tablets. The infrastructure, hosted by the LHS (Laboratoire Haute Sécurité), is now fully secured to protect the privacy of contributors.

APISENSE ® is a distributed platform dedicated to crowd-sensing activities. Crowd-sensing intends to leverage mobile devices to seamlessly collect valuable dataset for different categories of stakeholders. APISENSE ® intends to be used in a wide variety of scientific and industrial domains, including network quality monitoring, social behavior analysis, epidemy predictions, emergency crisis support, open maps initiatives, debugging of applications in the wide. APISENSE ® is composed of Hive delivered as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to the stakeholders who can pilot and customize their own crowd-sensing environment  [79] , and Bee supporting participants with a mobile application to control the sensors to be shared with the rest of the world  [68] , [69] . The platform is used by the Metroscope consortium, an Internet scientific observatory initiative supported by Inria. APISENSE ® originates as the output of Nicolas Haderer PhD thesis  [67] .

APISENSE ® is at the core of the Inria ADT Focus CrowdLab project (see Section  9.2 ) and of an industrial transfer action that aims at creating the Crowdify spin-off company.

Registered with the APP (Agence pour la Protection des Programmes) under reference FR.001.080006.000.S.P.2013.000.10000. License: Proprietary.